Jessica Klein, LCSW, Psychotherapist

Sessions are currently telehealth and held via secure video.
I work to support the emotional process of healing and to unblock and activate needed change through understanding and validating lived experience and seeing where shifts need to occur.
A foundational element of my work is having a nonjudgmental approach, not critiquing, but becoming curious about what’s arising, the patterns, and getting to the work of changing what needs to be changed. Non-judgement doesn’t mean supporting behaviors that aren’t working, it can be quite the opposite- when we’re able to see someone’s humanity and empathize, we can more helpfully guide towards solutions that have promise.
Personalized for Your Needs
Just as we are all unique, so too is each course of therapy, which will be tailored to your unique needs and life circumstances. We’ll begin with an “intake assessment,” in which I’ll learn as much as I can regarding what you wish to shift, what has helped or harmed in the past, and we’ll talk about possible treatment plans, or course of therapy and techniques that might help.
My approach attends to the past, present and future, all of which are necessary in affecting real change; the past will always inform how we arrive in this moment, and understanding “triggers,” patterns, and historical blocks is essential. We look at the present by directing attention to the current concern or crisis, working with the associated feelings, and attending to the hurt of the moment using what I call therapeutic technology, actual tools such as breathing techniques, mindfulness exercised, bilateral stimulation such as EMDR and cognitive exercises. An improved future requires this past and present centered work as well as collaboration for self-care guidance and direction for future steps.

Connection & Repair
I help couples strengthen the relationship bond, understand core hurts, and increase positive experiences. In the work, we'll explore restoring attachment bonds and/or helping to identify and engage next best steps in the relationship.
For some couples, several consultations that identify stuck patterning and mutual triggers in a relationship is enough. For others, more work is needed to understand long standing relational patterning and their historical roots, and to then build structures of clear communication, which acknowledge the needs and wants of each partner.
I am trained in a highly effective and rigorously studied approach called Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). It is grounded in attachment science, which underscores the importance of human connections and the need for a sense of safety and security in our most important relationships so that they might, and we might, thrive.

Consultation in mindfulness practices is available, offering an opportunity to build specific mindfulness based skills as tools in daily living. I provide both stand-alone mindfulness consultation and use mindfulness practices in my psychotherapy work by incorporating mindfulness interventions and strategies in session.
Mindfulness can be considered the cultivation of moment-to-moment awareness of what is arising in the present with a nonjudgmental quality; essentially, by paying attention on purpose and using this awareness to help observe thoughts, feelings, and sensations that might arise, I help clients work with what arises in the session while providing tools and support.
I have much postgraduate study and experience folding mindfulness into clinical work and hold a Certification in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center.
“Mindfulness training has been shown to be effective in relieving the suffering of numerous medical and psychological conditions while enhancing well-being. In particular, affective disorders including anxiety, depression, and personality disorders are particularly well suited.” (Sanders, K. Mindfulness and Psychotherapy. 2010)

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